Welcome to my blog on adoption!  Since retiring from my practice as a private adoption practitioner, I am no longer adding additional blog entries.  However, I hope that the information contained within my past blogs will be of interest and help to those of you currently pursuing adoption.  Happy reading!                  Lori

Browsing Archive: December, 2011

Gift of Parenthood

Posted by Lori Rosove on Monday, December 26, 2011, In : Adoption 
During the holiday season, it's so easy to overlook the greatest gifts of all. The ones that can't be bought because they don't have a price. The ones that strike us in such a deep place that there is no option but to respond with tears. I read of such a gift on Dec. 22 when the Ottawa Citizen published this article on a family receiving their child:  http://www.ottawacitizen.com/life/holiday-guide-2011/Gift+parenthood+still+leaves+tongue+tied/5896268/story.html.
I know you're gulping right no...
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Nature vs. Nurture

Posted by Lori Rosove on Thursday, December 8, 2011, In : Adoption 

In 1992, when I started out in this business, adoptive parents in Canada were entitled to 10 weeks of employment insurance. There was a little known, and definitely not advertised, additional benefit for another five weeks if adoptive parents could prove their child had “special needs”. The acceptable proof was usually a document from the adoption agency stating that the child had been living in an orphanage overseas and as a consequence could face attachment challenges once adopted.


But ...

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