Welcome to my blog on adoption!  Since retiring from my practice as a private adoption practitioner, I am no longer adding additional blog entries.  However, I hope that the information contained within my past blogs will be of interest and help to those of you currently pursuing adoption.  Happy reading!                  Lori

Showing Tag: " behaviour" (Show all posts)

The Language of Children

Posted by Lori Rosove on Monday, September 19, 2016, In : Adoption 

When your child's behaviour is difficult, can you hear yourself saying things like "he's doing that on purpose, you know, to push my buttons" or maybe you refer to your child as manipulative or controlling. I know you love your kids and desperately want to feel you're in control and know what’s going on but... holy smokes people; are you serious? Why are you giving a child so much credit? To presume that a child is in control of their behaviour when we, the adults, often aren't, is a wee bi...

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Raising our children: Are we confused?

Posted by Lori Rosove on Friday, October 18, 2013, In : Adoption 
In Heather's Forbe's most recent e-newsletter (October 11, 2013), she reminds us that "It is not up to us to make our children better [because] the reality is that we cannot change or fix another person." Instead, she tells us what we can do. "We can surround them with support; we can love them unconditionally, free of judgment or control; we can set appropriate boundaries, and we can align with their pain." She tells us that if we do that, we are doing everything we can for our children and ...
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