Welcome to my blog on adoption!  Since retiring from my practice as a private adoption practitioner, I am no longer adding additional blog entries.  However, I hope that the information contained within my past blogs will be of interest and help to those of you currently pursuing adoption.  Happy reading!                  Lori

Showing Tag: "older children" (Show all posts)

Baby, Baby, Baby

Posted by LoriRosove on Friday, January 10, 2014, In : Adoption 

I thought I would write this during the holidays, but...you know.

Now that I’m back to work, I find myself re-immersed in the passionate world of adoption and getting to tasks that I left behind. Thus, this little blurb. Over the last few weeks, I have been haunted by a recurring theme: All children need a family. Of course, in theory, everyone knows that. But, in reality, what I most commonly hear is "We want to adopt a child under 2." It's not that I don't understand that desire. Why wou...

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Happy Adoption Month!

Posted by Lori Rosove on Friday, November 16, 2012, In : Adoption 
Kudos to Family and Children's Services of Waterloo region for this outstanding video on adopting children:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnkOl8iSY1k. The timing is fantastic considering November is Adoption Awareness month. Awareness is the key word in that sentence. 

How did it come to be that many people share a generally agreed upon perception that older children are 'damaged goods' and therefore unadoptable? (By older, let's say more than three). Was it a Hollywood movie, a newspaper arti...

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